I love this command that I can give my dog. I can lay a piece of food down near him and point my finger at him and say "leave it." He just sits there waiting for word of "okay,' before he leaps to gulp it down. I've used this command for other things, like when he wants to go for the cat's food, I say, "leave it!." It gets his attention and distracts him from his instant gratification. In our human world of parenting, sometimes I hear the voice in my head saying "leave it!" Do you worry about something with your kids and it rolls around in your head and heart and a troubled spirit is the result? Usually in the morning, I can take all my worries and put them in a nice mental box and hand them to God and say "you take them; you want them." Then throughout the day, I'm tempted to take back one of those worries and it's then I hear the voice "Leave It!" I think it's God's Spirit reminding me that he's got it covered and just "leave it" with him. "Leave it" has become one of my breathe prayers lately. I catch myself worrying about something and I simply pray, "leave it." It's God and mine's short conversation that He wants it and doesn't want me carrying it around. What is it that you can "leave" with Him?